Classroom Resources
You’re a teacher in Ontario and you’re busy! We get it! These FREE resources from Good in Every Grain will give you a hand in the classroom. We studied the Ontario curriculum so we could create useful, curriculum-relevant materials that support the topics you teach and the skills your students are building.
Good in Every Grain wants to help you teach students where their food comes from. 92% of teachers doing our survey said schools should teach agriculture—we agree! Our FREE resources use real-life agriculture matters and unique and fun approaches to teach problem-solving, critical thinking, STEM skills and connections, life systems, sustainability and more.
Resources are available in English and French. Did we mention—they’re FREE?!

Good in Every Classroom Blog
Check out our blog for a rich collection of topics that incudes special days related to agriculture, seasonal themes, free kits and materials for your classroom, agriculture education, food, crafts, and links to other agriculture organizations that will help round out your collection of agriculture-related resources.
visit Blog
Grades 1-3
Resources for grades 1 – 3 meet science and technology curricular requirements related to understanding our changing world, the importance of a healthy environment for living things, and how human activities support/affect the biodiversity that in the environment. Educator resources include links to additional information and teachers’ guides. Student activities in this area apply a range of cross-curricular approaches, including art, coding, literacy, and problem-solving, presented through diverse activities such as planting, drawing, collages, dramatic interpretations, colouring, and work sheets.
Enhance agriculture learning in your classroom with video activities. Students can draw along with Rob as they learn about the life cycle of soybeans, the importance of soil and its many inhabitants, and how high-tech modern tractors are. Add to Halloween in your classroom with our fun and educational videos!
Education Resources:
- What’s Growing ON? seed kits with lessons (available in French)
- Character development: Perseverance
- Halloween spooky math and language activities
- Healthy eating tips with Ontario grains (available in French)
- The Healthy Respectful Lunchroom (includes discussion guide, PowerPoint presentation, pledge poster, printable worksheets)
- Ontario Farming STEMterprise project-based, cross-curricular, and integrates STEM and other transferable skills (complete with lesson plans, videos, slide presentations, and worksheets)
Student Activities:
- Draw With Rob guided art series (includes educator resources – available in French)
- Perseverance: grades 1 & 2; grade 3
- Halloween-themed fun: spider web fractions; writing prompts activity
- Grain products colouring sheets (available in French)
- Farm facts activity sheet (available in French)
- Soil activity sheet
- A*maize*ing slime
Video Resources:
- Draw With Rob video series (available in French)
- Halloween: scroll down for language extension videos and a series explaining how grain becomes pretzels

What’s Growing ON? activity and lessons for Grade 3
This program is designed to be used in the classroom with accompanying seed planting kits, activities, and narrated teaching slides.
It teaches students where their food comes from, the connection of sustainability and technology in agriculture, and gives them the opportunity to plant their own seeds!
Learn More
Grades 4-5
Students in grades 4 – 5 will explore social and environmental associations, including the environmental impacts of human activity, our relationship with the past, and our connections to the environment back to 1500 CE. Good in Every Grain resources will help you explore those connections by examining farmers as stewards of the environment, farming in the past and into the future, and today’s environmental connections to farming, including the use of technology such as satellites and drones used to map and monitor farmland.
Learning about agriculture is enhanced with our educational videos. Students can draw along with Rob as they learn about the life cycle of soybeans, the importance of soil and its inhabitants, and how high-tech modern tractors are. They will also get a first-hand account of farming and how plants grow, presented by Ontario grain farmers.
Education Resources:
- Crop rotation with graphing worksheet
- Biodiversity in your backyard
- Ontario Farmerettes, little-known Canadian history (with educator resources)
- Sustainability: How are grain farmers protecting our environment?
- Ten things you didn’t know were made with grains
- Pollinator fact sheet
Student Activities:
- Graphing fun with farmers worksheet
- Biodiversity journal
- Farmerettes postage stamp design
- Draw With Rob guided art series (includes educator resources – available in French)
- Sustainability quiz
- Grains in Our Life Introducing Ontario Grains worksheet (accompanies video series)
Video Resources:
- Draw With Rob video series (available in French)
- Grains in Our Life
- Environment and community
- Get to Know Your Grain Farmers (Summer on the Farm)
- Sustainable Solutions: Paul Dietrich, Ontario grain farmer
- Sustainable Solutions: Dave McEachren, Ontario grain farmer
- Get to Know Your Grain Farmers (Fall on the Farm)
- The Roots of our Province #Canada150. Ontario’s farming heritage.

Grades 6-8
In grades 6 – 8, students learn about biodiversity, the importance of water and the implications of its scarcity, and human responses to the environment and its challenges and opportunities. Relating specifically to agriculture are the exploration of the practice and tools of farming in the past compared to today and asking several important and relevant questions. How is agriculture reducing its carbon footprint? How do farmers practise environmental stewardship? What can other industries learn from these practices? Our resources help students discover answers to these questions.
Learning about biodiversity and the challenges of working in the environment will be enhanced by giving students a first-hand account of what it’s like to farm and how plants grow, presented by Ontario grain farmers, in our series of videos.
Education Resources:
- Growing for the future teacher guide
- Protectors of the Land
- Sustainable solutions: talk to a grain farmer, cover crops
- Are there any new farming practices that help with crop yield or the environment?
- Sustainability: How are grain farmers protecting our environment?
Student Activities:
- Sustainability and Ontario grains worksheet
- Sustainability quiz
Video Resources:
- Grain farming videos
- Grains in Our Life
- Farmed by Families
- Fields to Forks
- Grains in our life
- Environment and community
- Get to Know Your Grain Farmers (Summer on the Farm)
- Sustainable Solutions: Paul Dietrich, Ontario grain farmer
- Sustainable Solutions: Dave McEachren, Ontario grain farmer
- Get to Know Your Grain Farmers (Fall on the Farm)

Grades 9-12
As students enter high school and their areas of study become more focused to prepare for post-secondary school or a work life after secondary school, Good in Every Grain resources support their learning in the areas of academic and applied science and technology, biodiversity and our relationships with the environment. For those students interested in a career in agriculture or a field of study related to agriculture, our resources will support their learning within the Specialist in High Skills Major—Agriculture program.
Students who are thinking of a career in agriculture will get a first-hand look at the agriculture lifestyle as well as insight into the importance of agriculture and how farmers are finding sustainable solutions to the challenges of farming.
Education Resources:
- Farm management
- Pest management – herbicide and pesticide
- What is glyphosate? Dispelling myths (available in French)
- Pesticides: What you should know (available in French)
- Pesticide use: What is an insecticide?
- Soil classification and testing
- Soil testing – includes video of grain farmer explaining/demonstrating soil testing
- Sustainable resource management
- Sustainability
- Farming to protect the soil
- How are grain farmers protecting the soil?
- Did you know? A little about sustainable farming practices
- Women in agriculture
- GMOs — Benefits
- GMOs — What do you want to know? (available in French)
- The Whole Grains Story — Where Do Grains Go
Student Activities:
Video Resources:
- Grain farming videos
- Plant growth—soybeans, wheat, Ontario grains
- Nutrition and the use of grains
- Grains in Our Life
- Farmed by Families
- Fields to Forks
- Grains in our life
- Environment and community
- Get to Know Your Grain Farmers (Summer on the Farm)
- Sustainable Solutions: Paul Dietrich, Ontario grain farmer
- Sustainable Solutions: Dave McEachren, Ontario grain farmer
- Get to Know Your Grain Farmers (Fall on the Farm)