Good in Every Event
Discover upcoming and recent events from Good in Every Grain below and on the Grain Farmers of Ontario events calendar.
Feel free to contact us with any questions about our event offerings by emailing or filling out our contact form.
Grain Discovery Zone
The Grain Discovery Zone is an interactive exhibit that travels around Ontario visiting fairs and other events to help consumers and youth understand about where grains are grown, and the people that grow them. With a sensory bin filled with grain corn and farm toys, grain samples, and a Good in Every Grain representative, the GDZ will pull up to your event, fold open and be prepared to bring awareness and educate visitors about Ontario grain farming. Not interested in the trailer? Feel free to request one of our displays – learn more here.
The Grain Discovery Zone is now open for requests until April 4, 2025.
Request the Grain Discovery Zone

Stay tuned for details on how to request the Grain Discovery Zone trailer for the 2025 event season! Please contact us with any questions by emailing
Looking for handouts? Download our factsheets and colouring sheets below for your event: