Let’s plant some good ideas
Hi educators! We want to help you make local farming, food origins and nutrition meaningful to your students. So, we’ve prepared a video library, lesson plans, unique arts-based activities, worksheets, fun classroom snack ideas and more, all available for FREE! And because we’re Ontarians too, our resources are designed to help you teach to Ontario curriculum guidelines in the areas of arts, science, technology, the environment and math.
Got a question for the Good in Every Classroom team? Send us an email to web@gfo.ca.
Check out our collections of free resources to use in your classroom
Make lesson planning easy with our specially designed programs
Why teach agriculture?
Good in every Grain provides resources that correlate with Ontario’s Arts and Science and Technology curricula. We offer a unique approach that has students become artists and scientists, applying creativity and play concepts to learning about science and technology as they explore food, plants, soil health, worms, tractors, tech, seeds and more. Learning about agriculture, farming and food science is enlivened with easily visualized examples, real-world concepts and fun activities that spark a child’s imagination.
Modern agriculture is exciting and changing! Today’s farm involves agriculture and food sciences and technology, and soon it will include precision-agriculture and techgronomy, which will integrate technology with current and future farming systems.
Stay Informed! We’re busy creating more resources and learning materials to help you integrate agriculture concepts into your teaching. Sign up for our Good in Every Classroom newsletter today to read the latest in agriculture education.

Book a visit from the Grains on the Go!
We’re excited to start offering in-school visits with the Grains on the Go trailer. This is a FREE, engaging, and creative experience that showcases Ontario grains in an interactive way to help understand why grain farming is vital in Ontario.
Learn more