When other countries want to import more Canadian wheat, its can give our farmers a boost in their prices.
Guest post by Edith Munro US Farmers are adopting the Prairie practice of grain bagging, especially within the Dakotas and…
Finally, #harvest2014 is over (or almost over) in most of the province. In a typical year, countless acres of harvested…
Have you noticed the snow? While some areas have been hit harder than others, most of Ontario seems to have…
How is this fall weather going to affect our winter wheat crops?
This month, Ontario oat and barley growers are voting to decide whether or not they will join the over 28,000…
High-fructose corn syrup (also glucose-fructose) is a corn-derived liquid sweetener that is chemically similar to table sugar. High-fructose corn syrup…
Soy foods and the health benefits.
Ethanol is frequently used to supplement regular gasoline, and almost all gasoline in Canada contains some ethanol
Add more whole grains into your diets for many health benefits!
Gluten is a type of protein that’s found in wheat, rye, barley and foods made from these grains. It gives…
In 2015, new regulations restricting the sale and use of neonicotinoids, a specific type of pesticide widely used by farmers…