Good in Every Farm
Learn about how your grains are grown and the people who dedicate their lives to producing them. Ontario agriculture has high safety standards, so you can have confidence in the choices your grain farmers are making and enjoy foods that contain Ontario grains!
Get the insider scoop on year-round happenings on farms across Ontario. Learn what #YourFarmers do to ensure quality grains are being grown, what happens seasonally on farms, and all the decisions that go into farming. From the fields to your fork, find out what technology, scientific advancements, planning, and general steps are involved in growing grains in Ontario.
See the steps it takes to get Ontario grains from the fields to your plate in this Farm to Fork series:
What is sustainability?
Growing grains sustainably allows #YourFarmers to protect our environment. Sustainable farming means farmers are keeping our soil healthy, our waterways protected, reducing their carbon footprints, and reducing their use of inputs like fertilizers and pesticides.
What are GMOs?
GMO stands for “Genetically Modified Organism”, which is a crop that has been developed through genetic engineering. For many who hear those words, it might bring up negative perceptions and the overall feeling that it’s unnatural and something to avoid. Unfortunately, due to misinformation, GMOs have gotten a bad rep but we’re here to change that. GMOs play a large role in growing safe, nutritious, and bountiful grains, and have been in use for over 20 years with zero food safety concerns. They are thoroughly researched and tested before being brought to market to ensure they are safe for us and the environment.
Why do farmers use pesticides?
Pesticides are types of synthetic chemicals farmers can use to combat harmful pests in their fields. Pests like weeds, diseases, and insects can drastically impact a grain crop and its ability to produce safe and nutritious food. Farmers can choose to use pesticides as one of many tools to help combat pests in their fields, and in Ontario must be certified to purchase and apply pesticides.

Meet #YourFarmers Spotlight:
Tanya Legault
Tanya is the 5th generation on her family farm, which has been in operation for a 117 years. Her parents took over the farm in 1987, and Tanya has plans to run the farm in the future. Her family farms in Moose Creek, growing corn, soybeans, wheat, and edible beans.
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