Harvest on hold… (again)

#YourFarmers have been working hard this fall to finish up harvest, but many acres of soybeans and corn are still left standing. Combining wet grains off of wet fields can cause a lot of issues so many farmers will wait until the grains are dryer before combining. This was challenging this fall as we saw many inches of rain with little rain free days to let the grounds and plants dry out. Then, winter came early and left a whooping 10 cm of snow in some already wet fields!
What does this mean now? Well, this could mean waiting until there is less snow on the fields, the grains are dry and the ground is frozen enough to drive on. All of this will take time, but farmers want to get these grains off the fields as soon as possible to ensure the grains are still usable for their end products.
#YourFarmers work hard to mange their crops to ensure we are getting the highest quality of Ontario grain possible. Quality grains will make quality food. for everyone to eat. Weather changes will always be one of the factors farmers won’t be able to plan for as things can change pretty quickly; something we saw this summer and fall.
Winter may be on way its in, but in Ontario, fall harvest isn’t over yet.