Farmers work continues as normal

Wheat harvest has started across Ontario these past couple weeks! After months of uncertainty, it is safe to say, farm work continues as normal.
Harvest has started in the southern parts of the province with #YourFarmers taking off their winter wheat, and it’s a sight to see! These wheat fields were planted last fall and are now turning golden and maturing – ready to be harvested.
Watch #YourFarmers harvest wheat below!
Combines, tractor, grain buggies or wagons and tractor-trailers will be out on the roads and in the fields combining Ontario’s wheat crop to be used in the production of many different items. In a few short months, Ontario’s spring barley, oats, corn and soybeans will be harvested and sold to be used in many different products in our everyday lives.
Many people have been having conversations on what “normal” life will be like or if we are moving towards a new normal. But one thing stays the same- Ontario grains are planted every year, are grown with care and dedication by Ontario’s grain farmers and are harvested after a year of hard work! #YourFarmers work continues as normal as they and their families also navigate what “normal” means.
Ontario grain harvest season has kicked off with winter wheat harvest, and farmer’s work will continue as normal over the next few months harvesting Ontario barley, corn, oats, soybeans and wheat.