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Shredded wheat straw bales

If you’ve been out to apple orchards, pumpkin patches or Halloween theme parks, you’ve probably seen the autumn staple: straw bales! Shredded wheat straw bales uses Rice Krispies and Shredded Wheat cereal to make tasty straw bales – perfect for a fall treat.

Yield: 5- 8 servings

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 5 minutes


  • 5 cups of rice cereal
  • 5 tbsp of butter
  • 2 tsp of vanilla
  • 2 packages of shredded wheat
  • 4 cups of marshmallows
  • Licorice strings of preferred colour


  1. Crush the shredded wheat into small pieces.
  2. Melt butter and marshmallows on the stove top or microwave. Add vanilla and stir in.
  3. Mix rice cereal and 1 cup of shredded wheat cereal into the marshmallow mixture
  4. Stir until mixed
  5. Empty into a buttered baking dish and flatted using a spatula.
  6. Pack shredded wheat on the outsides while marshmallows are still sticky to give the straw appearance. Refrigerate until set.
  7. Cut into straw bale shapes and add two licorice strings as baler twine

#GoodinEveryFarm: What’s the Difference Between Hay and Straw?

This is a very common question and many people think they are interchangeable terms, but they are different things entirely. They are both collected and put into either square or circle bales and stored until they are need. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Hay: This is basically grass clippings that are dried and collected. This is used for animal food, sometimes called fodder. Hay can be made out of barnyard grasses, clover and/or alfalfa. Hay is fed to animals when pasture is not available, like in the winter time. Hay may have a more green or brownish tint
  • Straw: This is the left-over stems and leaves from harvest wheat, barley and oats. When farmers collect these grains, the leaves and stalks are sent out of the back of the combine and only the grain/seeds are collected. It is then left to dry in the field for a few hours, then baled into straw. This way every part of the plant is used. Straw is used as animal bedding and fall decor. Straw is a golden colour.
Whats the difference between hay and straw?