Nous avons des ressources françaises! We have resources in French!

We have been working to provide resources in both official languages so students who are French-speaking or learning to speak French can join in the fun and the learning about agriculture. We are in the process of translating more resources and preparing to reach out to French teachers with our newsletters and blogs.
We have appreciated the great feedback from French immersion teachers who tested Ontario Farming STEMterprise and are eager to create resources in French. Coming soon!
Take a look at what we already have in French!
Draw with Rob/Dessiner avec Rob

What’s Growing ON?/Qu-est-ce qu-ON cultive?
(Scroll down to download Lessons 1-5 in French!)
Bilingual Seed-Starting Window Farm Classroom Kit/Trousse de classe bilingue pour la ferme et la fenêtre de démarrage des semences

Se souvenir! Remember!
Coming soon! STEMterprise, blog posts, and more in French!