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Spooky fall fun!

Part of the fun of fall is Halloween. It’s fun in the classroom too, right?! All your students hopped up on sugary treats and excitedly planning their  costumes and where they’ll trick or treat.

Get ahead of that energy with some fun Halloween-themed activities that help  students practise skills they’ve learned in class. Let them take all that energy home!

Halloween treat

Pretzel webs are a tasty treat and a chance to discuss fractions and how pretzels are made. Original design and instructions

Math extension

More fractions! This math worksheet uses spider webs to practise fractions. Download the worksheet.

Language extension

A Halloween story time. Follow up with questions and a class discussion. How did Spider and friends handle their problems?  Why did the old mummy follow the spider? Would you swallow a spider?!

Imagine the story behind this picture! Download the spooky picture and writing activity.