Hurry up spring!

As we head into the early months of spring, grain farmers across Ontario are beginning to plan. This past winter has been busy with farmers deciding what their crop plans will be this year, they are eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring, and the arrival of one of their busiest times of the year. But what exactly did farmer do over the winter? Click here to find out!
Spring is a season that gets many people excited for many different reasons. It is a time of awakening for many things in nature and is a time that gets us excited for the warmer weather and the activities that are to come with the changing weather conditions. Grain farmers especially, are getting excited for the arrival of springtime; it’s the start of their growing season!
Spring planting generally begins around the end of April or beginning of May, depending on where they farm in Ontario. Between now and then, farmers will be purchasing their seed, fertilizers, and pesticides in anticipation of planting. Click here to learn about some of the decisions grain farmers must make in the spring.
As soon as they can farmers will be out working their fields, adding manure or other fertilizers, and working those into the soil. Once that is done, farmers will be looking to start planting their grain seeds as soon as possible. Click here to see what spring planting looks like on an Ontario grain farm.
Spring is a busy time for many grain farmers, as there is much to get done. But as the weather starts to warm up and the seasons turn to summer, farmers are eager and excited to get to do what they love for yet another cropping season. Each spring brings a new challenge, over the past few years that challenge came in the form of a global pandemic and the guidelines that have been recommended. This year farmers will continue to adapt their farming practices and think of some creative ways to solve any issues that may come this spring.