Family Grain Activities

Having the kids home and trying to keep everyone entertained can be really stressful. We put together a list of family and kid activities you and your family can have some fun with!

A*maize*ing Slime – make slime at home using Ontario grains and some basic household items!
Got water, flour, vegetable cooking oil, salt and food colouring at home? Get your kids to help you make this No Bake Play Dough that is EASY and a fun way to pass the time.

We talked about Salt Dough Ornaments during the holidays but this could be a great craft activity today! Create the ornaments using your favourite cookie cutters, let dry and then paint them!
Everyone loves colouring! Download these colouring sheets, print off and have your family colour in the food products while also learning what grains were used to make them!

Take a virtual farm tour from Farm and Food Care Ontario to learn how grains are grown!
Bake some cookies using Ontario grains! Our Oatmeal, cranberry, mini chocolate chip cookies are easy, delicious and a great way to introduce the kids to the kitchen.