Kate Procter, 52 weeks of #YOURFARMERS

We’re really passionate about soil health. It’s the cornerstone of our operation.
Kate grows corn, soybeans, and wheat with her father George outside of Brussels, Ontario. George originally formed Bodmin Limited with his brothers Ross and Charles in the 1950s. Kate’s mom, Elizabeth, also worked on the farm until she retired.
Since then, the farm has constantly evolved. At one time the focus was chickens, turkey, pigs and beef cattle, but the focus of the farm shifted to grain production in 2010. Both George and Kate hold Bachelor of Science degrees in Agriculture, and Kate also holds a Master’s degree in Rural Planning. Today, she strongly believes farmers are the ultimate stewards of the land. The belief is the cornerstone of the operation, and it pushes Kate in her passion to do better environmentally, especially when it comes to soil health on the farm. She has been active on the farm all her life, and this lifestyle is very important to Kate. She also maintains a wide variety of interests outside the farm as well.
52 Weeks of #YOURFARMERS
In 2017, we’re highlighting a new Ontario grain farmer every week. Get to know us!