Ontario corn ethanol

Did you know 33% of Ontario’s harvested grain corn is used to make ethanol?
What is ethanol?
Ethanol is a renewable fuel source that produced by the fermentation of grains like corn. Corn kernels are distilled and fermented to break down the starches found in the corn. These starches are turned into sugar using chemical reactions, and yeast is added to create ethanol. This ethanol is evaporated into a vapour before being cooled, condensed and collected to be turned into a liquid- this liquid ethanol blend is what is added to gasoline and helps fuel our cars!
What uses ethanol?
Ethanol can be used for a variety of reasons, like improving the performance of our cars, decreasing gas prices and helping the environment by using a renewable fuel. Corn ethanol is a high-octane fuel which helps reduce the amount of fuel that is burned in the car. It is also responsible for 45 percent less carbon emissions than regular gasoline (including the emissions that come from planting, harvesting, and production). After 15 years of serious development and infrastructure building, ethanol is cheaper than gasoline, too: about 15 cents per litre on average.
Honda Indy 2022
After a two year hiatus, Good in Every Grain is very excited to return the Honda Indy July 15-17 at Exhibition place in Toronto, with our new Grains on the Go exhibit! We will be onsite in Thunder Alley talking about grain corn and ethanol production ahead of the races throughout the weekend. Did you know, Honda Indy cars use E85 – an 85% ethanol fuel blend? #YourFarmers are helping to power the Honda Indy! For more information on the Honda Indy 2022 click here.
Ethanol fun facts
Check out these great fun facts about ethanol production!
1 bushel of corn (56 pounds) = 2.8 gallons of ethanol + 178 pounds distiller grains***
Canada’s Ethanol policy will result in GHG reductions of about 4.2 mega tonnes per year. This is the equivalent to removing one million cars off the road.**
Compared to gasoline, ethanol reduces every single tailpipe emission (CO; CO2; smog; particulates; NOx and SOx) because ethanol contains 35% oxygen and results in a higher temperature burn. Ethanol reduces tailpipe fine particulate matter emissions by 50%. In 11 summer days, Ontario corn produces enough oxygen for the annual respiratory needs of the whole province of Ontario.*
Ethanol created a new market for 83 million bushels of corn.*
In 11 summer days, Ontario corn produces enough oxygen for the annual respiratory needs of the whole province of Ontario.*
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted worldwide. Increased use of grains in biofuel production is an excellent way to mitigate this wastage. (Good in Every Grain)
Ethanol created a new market for 83 million bushels of corn and positively impacts at least 20,000 farms in Canada.*
Ontario only uses about 33% of the corn produced in the province in ethanol production. The rest of the grain corn is used to feed farm animals, processed into food and is exported to the United States and Europe. (Grain Farmers of Ontario).
*Sourced from Greenfield Canada.
** Sourced from Renewable Industries Canada.
*** Sourced from Iowa Renewable Fuels Association