Baby cereal

Post written by Paige Miller, Grain Farmers of Ontario Communications Coordinator.
Baby cereal.
Like everything when it comes to babies and being a first-time mom there is so much noise about what you should be doing and how it’s going to affect your baby when they get older. Whether that’s sleep, clothes, which diapers you should use and food.
Let’s add to that noise… In a nice way that helps and doesn’t overwhelm you. Baby food and more specifically, baby cereal.
Baby cereal is likely the first type of solids you’ll be giving your little one. It’s easy to digest, soft, and normally made up of a mix of ingredients such as barley, oats and mixed grains. It’s one of the best places to start when weaning an infant off breast milk or formula since it’s easy to swallow, not too harsh on the tummy and full of iron and antioxidants
Please note whether you breastfeed or formula feed, fed is best. And breast milk or formula should still be the main source of nutrients for babies aged 6 to 12 months.
Oatmeal was recommended as starting point for me and my little one. It’s easy to digest and can easily be mixed with formula or breast milk, so there’s a familiar taste for the little one. As you already know from reading about how great oats are, it’s filled with vitamins and minerals that will help health and development.
Gerber baby has some great options for baby oatmeal, as well as a barley option too. You can read and find that here.
For more information on when and what to give your little one, always consult your pediatrician first.