#TrainWithGrainsTuesday Tip 9

We know how hard it is to ensure you and your family are enjoying a healthy lifestyle that includes whole grains. Every Tuesday we will release a #TrainWithGrainsTip that will help you include whole grains into your healthy lifestyle.
Our tip this week is:
Tip #9
Planning you snacks for watching that hockey or football game this week. Go for a fibre or protein base snack – these will help keep you full longer and manage your hunger between meals.
Try mixing oats and soy butter in an energy ball or grabbing a couple handfuls of trail mix. Mixing your favourite cereal with pretzels, raisins, and nuts satisfies the sweet and salty.
Fresh fruit and vegetables or whole wheat crackers and cheese are always good options too!
Our Soy Hummus recipe is great with fresh cut vegetables, pretzels or crackers!
Or try your hand at these homemade Tortilla Chips from The Food Network. This recipe calls for soft tortillas made from corn and fried until crispy to be dipped into salsa.