#TrainWithGrainsTuesday Tip 2

We know how hard it is to ensure you and your family are enjoying a healthy lifestyle that includes whole grains. Every Tuesday we will release a #TrainWithGrainsTip that will help you include whole grains into your healthy lifestyle.
Our second #TrainWithGrainsTip is:
Tip #2
Summer isn’t over and neither is our craving for a cold, sweet beverage! Smoothies are the prefect refreshing drink and they are packed with nutrients. Soybeans contain high levels of protein and can be found in foods like tofu and soy milk. Creating a smoothie using soymilk will ensure you’re starting off the day right with this natural protein loaded Berry Fresh Smoothie.
Simply combine dessert tofu instead of yogurt, bananas, soymilk with fresh Ontario strawberries and blueberries. Blend until smooth! Want extra protein? Add in hemp seeds or substitute milk for soy!
Full recipe can be found here:
Stay tuned next week for our next #TrainWithGrainsTip, and don’t forget to read last week tip on including whole grains in back to school lunches!