Behind the Scenes with Chris Soules at Twenty View Farms

What’s Iowa Grain Farmer Chris Soules Doing in Ontario?
This week, Iowa grain farmer Chris Soules joined Good in Every Grain for a tour of Ontario’s grain farm country. Chris, best known for his time as The Bachelor on the hit ABC series (he was also on the most recent season of Dancing with the Stars), visited grain farmer Daryl Haanstra and his family at Twenty View Farms, just outside of Hamilton.
On Wednesday morning, Chris had breakfast with the family before a rainy day on the farm. Daryl showed him around, and together they inspected soy and corn crops nearly ready for harvest. After a quick lunch on the farm and a few interviews in the afternoon, he headed to Toronto. At Woodlot, a restaurant in Little Italy, he spoke to reporters and representatives of Grain Farmers of Ontario.
Today, Chris might be even busier—he’s being interviewed on a handful of TV and radio shows before heading out west, not ready to end his first ever trip to Canada so soon! We’re thrilled that Chris was able to join us for a few days, and grateful for all the work he’s done talking to the media and the public about grain farming and being a grain farmer. Keep an eye out for some of his TV appearances this week