Meet your Good in Every Grain Ambassadors: Christine McNaughton

Where: Manitoulin Island, Manitoulin District
Grows: Corn, barley, hay and pasture
Loves Farming Because: I love being my own boss and because every day offers a new challenge. We also love that it means we can spend lots of time outdoors with Mother Nature. Its’ hard work, but you learn to appreciate the little things in life when you are so closely connected to the land and animals.
Excited About Instagram Program Because: I’m keen to be an Instagram Ambassador because it’s a great way to share what we do on the farm and tell the story of farming life in a compelling and creative way. The educational aspect is also important. A picture says a thousand words, which evokes emotions and connects people.
Find me on…
Twitter: @chancesmommy
Instagram: @christinemcnaughton
My Blog: